Despite the fact that I am still freezing my butt off in what is SUPPOSED TO BE a desert, it is April! It is spring! And with Spring, comes new things!

In the lush woods, walks Halsin, wise and brave. His eyes hold forest secrets, offering courage. His gentle touch ignites weary hearts; hope. In his presence, solace and nature's embrace
Scents, in order of relative strength: Snapdragon tea, oak wood, amber, musk, vanilla, lemon peel, lavender.
Next up, a plea for help! Since I changed the format of my listings, I lost all my reviews, including hundreds I'd imported from my 7 years on Etsy. Long story short, it'd be a huge lifesaver if you could leave reviews on all your favorite scents. I'll even throw in 25 CricketBucks on your account per review (limited time offer).
We are having a huge sale on subscriptions right now! Sign up for any 3 month+ subscription and get: as always, free shipping, monthly candles, and 50% off your first box!
Last but certainly not least, we're putting out another call for you to join our C&C Discord! It's full of rad people who chat about candles and post pictures of their cats. Just click below to join.